Central Business Office
Thank you for your interest in Shelby Public Schools. Below you will find how to enroll your child into Shelby Public Schools. If you have any questions please feel free to call (231) 861-5211 ext. 2104
Elementary School Students - (231) 861-5541
Middle School Students - (231) 861-4521
High School Students - (231) 861-4452
Shelby Public Schools Enrollment is based on residency. If you are unsure of which school your child will attend, check out our Locate My School to see our school boundaries and figure out your child’s school, or contact the Administration Building at (231) 861-5211 ext. 2104
For your enrollment packet to be reviewed, specific documents must be included.
Student Documents:
Birth Certificate
Up-to-date Immunization Record Health Appraisal Form
Individual Education Plan (IEP), if special services are required
If possible last report card from the previous school when enrolling your student in elementary or middle school. For high school students, an unofficial transcript is required in compliance with Michigan State Law.
Proof of Residency
Three (3) pieces of identification showing proof of residency are required. The student must be living with a parent, or court guardianship papers must be presented. Foster Parents must provide a Foster Care License Number. Proof of residency may include any of the following:
Driver's License
Voter Registration Card
Utility Bill
Purchase, Lease, or Rental Agreement
Bank Deposit Slip
Canceled Check with your address
Other mail sent to your residence (not junk mail)
Incoming Kindergartners must be five years old on or before September 1, 2023.
Parents need to fill out a Kindergarten Waiver (see link below) if their child will turn 5 between September 2 and December 1.
Exception: According to Michigan Law, a child may be enrolled in kindergarten if he/she is not five years of age on September 1, 2023, but will be five years of age not later than December 1, 2023, and a parent or legal guardian notifies the school district in writing (Kindergarten Waiver Form) that he or she intends to enroll the child in kindergarten.
Preschool enrollment
Please note, pre-enrollment is not required if applying for: Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) or Head Start. A separate packet for Preschool enrollment is necessary and available in the Early Childhood Center's office. Please email buntb@shelby.k12.mi.us or call 231-861-6629 for more information.
School of Choice Application
School of Choice is CLOSED for the 2024-2025 school year.